Calm Abiding meditation

Thursdays from 6:00-7:00 pm &
one Sunday every month from 9:00-11:30 am

This meditation is common to many traditions of Buddhism. In this practice, we rest our attention on a simple meditative support, such as the breath. Instead of following thoughts and emotions as we usually do, we release them and maintain our connection to the support.

“From this practice, we can experience a stable and calm mind. We learn to maintain and return to a sense of stillness, no matter what our outer circumstances. The mind is relaxed, alert and aware. The results of this practice are serenity, freedom in the face of circumstances, and ultimately Buddhahood.” 

From Meditation for Beginners, by Bokar Rinpoche

Please see our calendar for upcoming dates.

To attend calm abiding meditation via Zoom, please email to join the mailing list.