Guest Teacher Resources
This page provides links to publications or audio recordings offered by guest teachers at KSC.
devon and nico hase
Dear Friends,
On the first day after their four-year retreat, longtime KSC members Devon and Nico Hase gave a warm and compelling teaching at KSC. They spoke with love, courage and humor about the rigors of extended isolated retreat, as well as the depth of knowledge and experience they felt they had gained. It was clear, to those in attendance, that their joy and wisdom spoke well of their time in retreat.
We invite you to enjoy the meditations, discussions, and most especially the teachings given during this reunion day.
Lama Yeshe and Lama Pema
“Vajrayana For Our Times” A two part teaching by Devon & Nico
Lama Karma Yeshe and lama zopa
Karma Yeshe Chödrön and Karma Zöpa Jigme are students of Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche, and have been full-time practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism for over twenty years. Since 2005, they have been teaching and translating Dharma texts and oral teachings from Tibetan to English for the Rigpe Dorje Institute for International Students at Pullahari Monastery in Nepal. In 2016, they successfully completed the traditional Kagyu lineage three-year cloistered retreat at Vajra Vidya Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado, under the auspices of Kyabje Thrangu Rinpoche. They are passionate about sharing traditional methods for transmitting experiential understanding of Buddhadharma with Western students through their international Dharma community, Prajna Fire.
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche TALK
To our sangha,
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche visited the Rogue Valley in late April, 2022. During that time, he gave a public talk at the Craterian Theater, which many of you were able to attend. In addition, he visited KSC for the first time, and met with about 30 students, most of whom were members of KSC practice groups that utilize Mingyur Rinpoche’s writings as a basis for study.
We regret that the parameters of the visit meant that relatively few sangha members could be present with Rinpoche. We are happy that this recording was made, including excellent questions from the KSC audience, and is now available to all.
Lama Yeshe and Lama Pema
Paul Condon, PhD
Paul Condon, PhD. Paul Condon is an assistant professor of psychology at Southern Oregon University, and a Fellow of the Mind & Life Institute. Paul’s research examines the contributions of psychological science to modern meditation programs in dialogue with contemplative traditions. Paul has collaborated closely with John Makransky to develop Sustainable Compassion Training, a system of compassion and mindfulness practices adapted from Tibetan Buddhism. His research also examines the impact of meditation on compassion, prosocial behavior, and emotion. At SOU, Paul teaches Health Psychology, Sustainable Compassion, Stress Management, History of Psychology, Statistics, Writing & Research, and General Psychology.
KSC is happy to have Paul as an occasional guest teacher.