Recorded Teachings From the KSC Library


Lamas Sunday TEachings at KSC

Audio recordings of teachings that were offered during Calm Abiding and Tonglen Sundays. Enjoy!



Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche - When you're really sure you're doing yourself and others good- Part 3

Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche - When you're really sure you're doing yourself and others good - Part 2

Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche - When you're really sure you're doing yourself and others good- Part 4

Lojong - Point 6, Slogans 35-38 - Don't aim to win...

Lojong - Point 6, Slogans 31-34 - Don't get exited by cutting remarks...

Point 6, Slogans 27-30 - Work on the conflicting emotions first...



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Celebrating Saga Dawa

Lama Yeshe shares the story of the Buddha’s Awakening & Lama Liza leads the recitation of Aspiration Prayers

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche visited the Rogue Valley in late April, 2022. During that time, he shared a teaching and answered questions with sangha members at KSC.


  Thursday Calm Abiding Meditations and Teachings

Audio recordings of teachings from the Calm Abiding Thursday meditations


Barbara Mathieson - My Dharma Journey

Waking Up

Honoring Phyllis Norris

It all starts with a strong foundation


 Guided Meditations

Meditations Led By KSC’s Teachers

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Lama Pema—Calm Abiding Meditation

Lama Yeshe—Calm Abiding Meditation - Updated 12/08/24

Lama Liza—Calm Abiding Meditation

Lama Pema—Tonglen Meditation



Embracing Challenge as the Path of Awakening

These classes were offered live at a sliding scale of $0-$20. If you feel they are of benefit to you, please consider making a donation


Week 1: Welcoming One’s Experience

Week 2: Precision, Gentleness & Letting Go

Week 3: Shenpa — getting hooked

Week 4: Tonglen — Taking-and-Sending

Week 5: Special Event with Khenchen Konchok Gyaltsen Rinpoche

Week 6: three objects, three poisons, three seeds of virtue