(L-R) Adam Jaffe Back, Ann Zimmerman, Akash Totain, Clark Zimmerman, Ian Luepker
Our team of leaders is passionate about the Dharma and feels fortunate for the opportunity to serve the Dharma Kids program.
Adam Jaffe Back is a parent to a fun-loving first grader and also a former teacher. Kindness and compassion are the central teachings that brought him to Buddhism, first at Toledo Buddhist Sangha (Zen) then Kadampa Meditation Center in Tucson, AZ.
In his spare time, Adam enjoys spending time with his family outdoors and volunteering with search and rescue. He’s excited to learn and practice with the Lamas, other teachers, and the Dharma Kids!
Ann Zimmerman loves meditation, children, nature, and the opportunity to be in service.
Ann has lived in the Rogue Valley for the last 18 years. Ann is a healer and co-owner of Middleway Medicine; acupuncture and herbal clinic in Talent, OR and the mother of Aliya (9 years).
Ann, had the soul-shaking privilege of traveling to Asia at age 18. Upon, her witnessing of the people, culture, and vibration of Buddhism in Nepal, Japan, and Thailand she had an immediate feeling of being “home.”
She has since been a student of Buddhism, spirituality, consciousness, mindfulness, and all things healing for the people and the planet.
Ann deeply enjoys being with children and is also a soccer coach for her daughter’s team. She is a lover of the Dharma.
Akash has dedicated her life to serving the guru’s and she is very grateful to be a part of the KSC community.
Her daily meditation practice began in 2006 after attending a 10 day Vipassana course.
In 2009 she set off to India to search for a guru and by His grace she met Him in the sacred Himalayas. Her favorite words of His are, “One’s tears are the greatest offering one can make to the guru.” She spent over a year, total time, living in India in ashrams, engaged in focused spiritual practice. She also spent 5 years living in the forest, meditating with nature.
She took refuge with venerable Lama Lodru and her root guru is also a Kagyu lineage holder.
Now that she has 2 daughters (Sahaja age 10 and Prema age 8) she has found the Buddha Dharma very helpful for raising children.
Past experience working with children includes: wilderness adventure guide, day care teacher, caring for children in orphanages and teaching English to children in Guatemala.
Clark Zimmerman has been practicing meditation for over 30 years. What began as a curiosity in his childhood as a student of martial arts, expanded into a passion as he grew into an adult. He has always been interested in the Taoist idea of balance as the guiding principle in life. As one of 6 children, Clark has always been around kids. Clark spent years clowning and being a balloon man in Portland during his medical school days.
He's been teaching Qi gong and meditation for over 15 years. He loves being the father to his daughter, Aliya who is 9 years old.
Ian took refuge in Dharmsala, India in 1993 with Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, and has been on the Dharma path ever since. He is passionately committed to helping the Dharma Kids (DK) children know their inherent basic goodness and how to work compassionately with their minds.
He has 2 daughters, Violet and Talia, in the DK program and is overjoyed with what they are learning and integrating. May all beings benefit!