No matter the income level, planned giving offers sangha members a chance to support what they care about in life, and sustain KSC and the Dharma. There are many ways to leave a legacy gift to Kagyu Sukha Chöling, ranging from simple to complex. You can provide for KSC to receive all or a portion of your estate. Here are a few common ways to make a legacy gift.

The Board of Directors of KSC and the Lamas are so grateful to the late Michelle Lorenz for her foresight and generosity in making a bequest to KSC in 2020. It was a pandemic year, and the disruption in the normal activities and fundraising capability of KSC threatened to curtail offerings. But with the help provided by Michelle’s donation, and others, KSC was able not only to survive the year, but ended it with a surplus to carryover to 2021. We are blessed to have members who help provide for the immediate and future sustainability of KSC and the Lamas.
— The Lamas and the KSC Board
It was an easy decision to contribute to the future of KSC as part of my estate planning. In considering the most important influences in my life, the tremendous gift of KSC rises to the top. It is my wish to reciprocate in my end of life decisions and continue to be part of supporting our dharma center into the future. This is ‘happiness’ in its truest sense for me, to contribute to supporting the present and future of this precious center. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of this sangha, experience the teachings, and contribute to our teachers’ quality of life.
— Anne Stine, KSC member


Allocate a specific amount, percentage, or remainder of your estate or other assets to KSC in your will or trust.

Retirement Plan Designation

Make KSC a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) or other retirement plan.

Life Insurance

Designate a specific amount or percentage of your life insurance policy to KSC or make a gift of life insurance to KSC.

Payable on Death Provision

Name KSC to receive a bank or investment account at your passing.

Charitable Remainder Trust, Charitable Lead Trust, and Charitable Gift Annuity

These are examples of some of the more complex estate planning mechanisms to provide for a charity.

Here are some helpful resources

·       Check out the attachment with sample clauses that you can use in your will

·       Don’t have a will? You can make one in 20 minutes without paying a fee on the site “Free Will.” It is a simple, step-by-step tool that makes planning for the future easy. You can also use this tool to organize your estate details before speaking with an attorney if that’s your preferred route. 

·       Here is some sample language to use in your bequest gift so that your gift to be used where it’s needed most: “I give ______ to Kagyu Sukha Choling, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Tax ID 93-1309623, for its operating fund.”

·       Notify us of your intentions and we can connect with you to learn more and support your process. Get started by filling out this form.

If you have already included KSC in your estate plans, or plan to, or have any questions, you can contact Laura at:

KSC is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All contributions are tax deductible.