The essence of compassion with Dr. Paul Condon
Saturday, January 25th
In-person & via Zoom
10:00 am - noon & 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Base Fee for Event: $60, Sponsor Fee for Event $80
Reduced Price for Financial Need: $40
(No one will be turned away for lack of funds)
You may register here to attend in-person or via Zoom. Once you submit this registration form, you will be re-directed to an online payment option. All KSC tuition payments are tax deductible. If you choose to pay cash or check, please identify cash payments with your name and address for tax deduction purposes and mail or bring to KSC office. You can also mail checks made payable to KSC.
A fee of $10 will be charged for cancellations in order to cover service charges.