A Hybrid Presentation by Lama Pema and Lama Yeshe
10 am - Noon & 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
In Person and by Zoom
Hot Topics! is an occasional series of one-day retreats, looking into some principles of Buddhism that can be confusing or challenging.
This autumn, Lama Pema and Lama Yeshe will present teaching on Karma and Reincarnation, and the relationship between the two principles.
In the western world, karma is often assumed to mean predestination, implying that our fate is entirely outside of our control. In his teachings about everyday life, the Buddha presented karma as a critical concept to examine and understand, because he felt that our "fate" -- our future -- is entirely in our own hands.
Our intentions, added to our life's experience and circumstances, will lead us to speech and actions. The results of those actions and words contribute to our future. Thus we create our "destiny" day by day.
And part of that future includes many more lives after this one. How can this be? The Buddha found this to be the logical result of a lifetime of actions and results...
Join us to explore the teachings on karma and reincarnation -- with plenty of time for your questions, doubts and wonders on the subject!