2022 Summer Series
6:00 PM to 7:15 PM each night
Via Zoom
As the Buddha taught almost 2600 years ago, there is suffering and difficulty in life. No matter how hard we try, in one way or another, we will be forced to deal with challenging situations. It might be a difficult relationship, illness or physical pain, financial worries, or awareness of the challenges around the world. Luckily, the Buddha also spent 45 years teaching methods to work with challenges, and many others have carried these teachings forward to us today.
In this 6-week drop-in series, we will work with various practices and teachings that invite us to use difficult circumstances as methods to transform the negative habits and obscurations in our minds to reveal a natural clarity, wisdom and well being. These difficulties can actually help us to become more compassionate and beneficial humans in the world. When we notice we are shutting down, becoming angry or overwhelmed, we can use those circumstances on the path of awakening to open our hearts and develop wisdom in our minds.
What we call obstacles are really the way the world and our entire experience teach us where we’re stuck.
— Pema Chödrön
Drop-In By Donation $0-$20 per Class
This summer series is offered by donation. Suggested donation $0-$20 per session. Please use the button above to donate to KSC so we may continue to offer these teachings.
Classes taught by Lama Liza Baer. Please contact office for Zoom information. office@kscashland.org