Niguma Yogas: A Review of Daily Postures
With Lama Pema, Lama Yeshe and Libba Coker
Saturday, January 27 (noon – 3 pm)
In-person only Tuition: $40 for the day
As a follow up to Kalu Rinpoche’s full instruction in the Niguma Yogas, this afternoon will offer an opportunity to review the “AH” meditation, how to breathe during the exercises, and the yogas that Rinpoche recommended as a daily practice.
There will be guided meditations by the lamas, and review of the postures by two leaders, as well as feedback to practitioners on how they are carrying out the postures.
Before adjourning, we will discuss whether there is interest in further meetings before Rinpoche returns in June.
This afternoon is open to those who attended Rinpoche’s weekend teaching last June, and will be in-person- only to allow for best feedback on one’s postures.