Chenrezig Meditation Instruction
A Teaching by Lama Yeshe
Thursday, March 23 , 1 – 4 pm via Zoom
Chenrezig, whose name means “He who gazes with the eyes of compassion,” represents the enlightened, limitless qualities of loving kindness and compassion. This meditation, done on Wednesday evenings at KSC, offers a way for us to expand those qualities within ourselves, and strengthen our ability and dedication to act n the world, based on those qualities.
This retreat is open to anyone, and is suitable for any interested meditator. “Deity” practices in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition are a beautiful application of Calm Abiding meditation. In deity practices, one focuses on an image, or recreates that image in their visual, emotional or energetic imagination. Instead of the breath as the focus of meditation, it is this created image and energy that will be the focus. This awakens the qualities embodied in the deity in one’s own heart and mind.
Lama Yeshe will introduce the order of practice, the meaning of the symbolic aspects of the image, and the purpose of each portion of the practice. We will utilize the Condensed Chenrezig meditation, which is the original meditation that has come down to us from Tang Tong Gyalpo, a great 11th century meditator.
Registration is required to receive the pre-reading, Lama Yeshe’s article on the method of visualization, which is prominently used in this meditation. You will also be provided with a pdf of the Condensed Chenrezig meditation to print and have with you during the teaching.
Registration deadline: Wednesday, March 22 at noon – to ensure you receive the pre-reading and meditation documents.
Registration is now closed. Please contact us at with questions.